Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spotkanie z Bajką - Meet my baby

Today I went by train to Komorow to visit my favourite puppy. Now she is two. I did't see her almost two years. I met her family: a couple with tree doughters.

Me, you can see on the left and my daughter called Bajka is on the right. Dzisiaj pierwszy raz po dwóch latach spotkałem się z Bajką. Nie wiem dlaczego wcześniej tego nie zrobiłem.

Mówią, że to moja córka, ale ja tam wcale nie jestem tego pewien. Taka fajna sunia. Mhhhh, fiu, fiu.

Pobiegaliśmy razem po lesie, a później jeszcze były wspólne zabawy w ogródku. We walked in the forest and then spent some times in her garden.

Na koniec zabawa w domu Bajki. In the end we were playing in the house of Bajka.


Ms. ~K said...

Looks like you had a dog gone good time...
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Life With Dogs said...

Sola wants to join this party!

Pies Placek said...

All labs are welcome :-)

Henry the Dog said...

My mum used to have a black lab called Sam. He died and she was REALLY sad, so she's got a big soft spot for labradors. I've been guilty in the past of calling you lot thickos but I don't mean it. Not really. I just get a bit jealous. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope to see you again.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment, I've just added Psa Placka to my blogroll

Chloe e Fujiko said...

Ciao! ma quanto siete belli!

Enzowy said...

jak to, nie jestes pewien swojego ojcostwa?:-))

Bailey said...

I see the family resemblance!

What a nice treat for you!

Bailey said...

What a fun time!